

Master and negotiate your screenwriting rights / Rok za prijavu 22. 5. 2024.

Series Mania Institute predstavlja Master and negotiate your screenwriting rights - trodnevni tečaj za pisce serija i agente za razumijevanje, obranu i pregovaranje o scenarističkim pravima.

Master and negotiate your screenwriting rights / Application deadline May 22, 2024

Series Mania Institute presents ‘Master and negotiate your screenwriting rights’ – a three-day training course for series writers and agents to understand, defend and negotiate screenwriting rights.
Lilleu (Francuska)
Lille (France)

Series Mania Institute predstavlja Master and negotiate your screenwriting rights - trodnevni tečaj za pisce serija i agente za razumijevanje, obranu i pregovaranje o scenarističkim pravima.

Razumijevanje pravnih aspekata scenarističkih prava ključno je za zaštitu i maksimizaciju kreativnog rada u produkciji serija. Ovaj će program obuke polaznicima pružiti alate za unapređenje pravnog znanja i, kroz praktične vježbe, vještine za obranu svojih scenarističkih prava i pregovaranje s potencijalnim partnerima.

Program obuhvaća predavanja o ugovornom pravu i ugovornoj praksi, studije slučaja i simulacije pregovora, ali i osiguravanje stjecanja znanja putem MCQ-ova i praktičnih vježbi. Glavni je cilj da polaznici razumiju načela ugovornog prava, razumiju sustave autorskih prava te različite vrste sporazuma i ugovora za scenariste u europskoj industriji serija, kao i da steknu iskustvo u pregovaranju o scenarističkim pravima te znanje kako čitati i sastavljati glavne ugovorne klauzule. Predavanja će voditi Laurence Benhamou, odvjetnica s ekspertizom u transakcijama i pregovaranju.

Program će se održati od 11. do 13. lipnja 2024. u Lilleu, Francuska.

Prijave su otvorene za europske pisce serija (igranih, animiranih, dokumentarnih...) i europske agente ili predstavnike pisaca.

Za prijavu je potrebno ispuniti online prijavnicu, kao i dostaviti životopis na engleskom jeziku te presliku osobne iskaznice ili putovnice. Rok za prijavu je 22. svibnja 2024.!

Školarina programa iznosi 1.260 eura po polazniku. Troškove putovanja, hrane i smještaja u cijelosti snosi polaznik.

Više informacija o programu dostupno je ovdje.

Program je podržao Potprogram MEDIA Programa Kreativne Europe.

Series Mania Institute presents ‘Master and negotiate your screenwriting rights’ – a three-day training course for series writers and agents to understand, defend and negotiate screenwriting rights.

Understanding the legal aspects of screenwriting rights is crucial to protecting and exploiting creative work within the series industry. This course will provide participants with the tools to enhance their legal knowledge and, through practical exercises, to defend their screenwriting rights and negotiate with potential partners.

The course will consist of lectures on contract laws and contractual practices, case studies and negotiation simulation, but also ensuring knowledge acquisition throughout the course by MCQs and practical exercises. The main goal is for participants to understand the principles of contract law, understand authors’ rights and copyrights systems, and the different types of agreements and contracts for screenwriters in the European series industry, as well as experience and learn how to negotiate screenwriting rights, and how to read and draft major contractual clauses. Lectures will be carried out by Laurence Benhamou, an entertainment attorney with expertise in transactional and negotiation.

The training course will take place from June 11-13, 2024, in Lille, France.

Applications are open to European series writers (fiction, animation, documentary…) and European agents or writers’ representatives.

To register, it is necessary to fill in the online registration form, as well as provide a CV in English and a copy of the identity card or passport. Application deadline is May 22, 2024!

The tuition fee of the program is 1,260 euros per participant. The costs of travel, food and accommodation relating to the Training will be entirely borne by the Participant.

Additional information about the training course can be found here.

The programme is supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA Subprogramme of the European Union.

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