
Tallinn Black Nights Industry Days / Industry @ Tallinn & Baltic Event 2023

DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske donosi pregled sudjelovanja u sklopu 22. izdanja industrijskog događanja Talinn Black Nights Industry Days koje se održalo tijekom Međunarodnog filmskog festivala Tallinn Black Nights!

Talinn Black Nights Industry Days / Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event 2023

Creative Europe Desk - MEDIA Office Croatia was part of this year's edition of Tallinn Black Nights Industry Days, an industry event which took place during the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival!
DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske

Ključna rastuća poslovna platforma u regiji Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event predstavlja industrijsko događanje namijenjeno profesionalcima audiovizualne industrije koje se održava svake godine u studenome, i to u sklopu Međunarodnog filmskog festivala Black Nights – jednog od 15 filmskih festivala s A-liste akreditiranih festivala Međunarodne organizacije filmskih producenata (FIAPF) i jedinog natjecateljskog festivala igranog filma s certifikatom FIAPF-a u sjevernoj Europi.

Industry @ Tallinn & Baltic Event fokus stavlja na povezivanje baltičkih i skandinavskih filmskih, industrijskih, tehnoloških profesionalaca i stručnjaka za područje rizičnog kapitala (venture capitalists) s profesionalcima diljem svijeta. Konstantno šireći svoj globalni doseg, stavljajući pritom naglasak na najakutnije teme, te s više od 700 gostiju (među njima 550 akreditiranih profesionalaca iz industrije), izrastao je u jedno od najvećih događanja medijske industrije u regiji.

Ove je godine Industry @ Tallinn & Baltic Event proslavio svoje 22. izdanje te je tijekom pet dana (od 13. do 17. studenoga) sudionicima omogućio organizaciju različitih sastanaka, prezentacija projekata, masterclassova i radionica, konferencija, laboratorija za talente, kao i mogućnosti za umrežavanje s drugim profesionalcima iz industrije. Ovogodišnje izdanje događanja stavilo je naglasak na filmske industrije tzv. fokus zemalja – Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Sjeverne Makedonije, Slovenije i Srbije.

U sklopu navedenog industrijskog događanja, DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske je zajedno s uredima MEDIA iz Danske, Estonije, Finske, Latvije, Litve, Sjeverne Makedonije i Švedske sudjelovao u organizaciji događanja namijenjenog umrežavanju producenata iz tzv. fokus zemalja ovogodišnjeg izdanja industrijske platforme (Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Sjeverna Makedonija, Slovenija i Srbija) te onih koji dolaze iz baltičkih i skandinavskih zemalja. U sklopu događanja održane su i 1-1 konzultacije s voditeljicama ureda MEDIA.

Osim toga, Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, sudjelovala je direktnim pozivom u sklopu Greening & Sustainability Think Tanka, koji je fokus stavio na zelene prakse i održivost u audiovizualnoj industriji. Naime, strategija ozelenjavanja i održivosti postala je važan dio ciklusa financiranja i produkcije za europske nezavisne audiovizualne i kreativne industrije, bilo da je riječ o producentima, festivalima ili donositeljima odluka, s certifikacijskim i strateškim zahtjevima koji se često postavljaju lokalno, ali i na razini EU-a. Dok je industrija nedvojbeno na putu prema zelenijoj i održivijoj praksi, pred njom je puno teorijskih i praktičnih prepreka. Sukladno tome, Think Tank je sudionicima ponudio pregled CresCineova mapiranja ključnih akcija ozelenjavanja i održivosti diljem Europe te je potaknuo sugovornike na dijeljenje razmišljanja i iskustva, kao i problema na koje su pritom naišli. Think Tank podržao je projekt CresCine, europskog fonda 'Obzor Europa', koji teži postati mjerodavan izvor za uvid u europsku filmsku industriju (Hrvatska je jedna od zemalja studija slučaja) te koji nastoji podići konkurentnost i kulturnu raznolikost europskog filmskog sektora.

Također, koristimo ovu priliku kako bismo istaknuli sudjelovanje hrvatskih filmskih profesionalaca u sklopu Industry @ Tallinn & Baltic Eventa. Tako je u sklopu Europskog žanrovskog foruma (European Genre Film Forum) sudjelovao dugometražni animirani fantastični film Immortal (Besmrtnik), koji su predstavili producent Vanja Vascarac (Narrativium) i scenarist Kristijan Petrović, dok su u programu ScriptPool s projektom Ogledalo za slavuja sudjelovale Karla Lulić (scenaristica, redateljica, producentica) & Jelena Mađarić (producentica) (Dobar film).

Isto tako, ponosno objavljujemo da je producentica Rea Rajčić (Eclectica) u sklopu koprodukcijskog sajma Baltic Event Co-production Market osvojila nagradu Producers Network Prize za mlade producente u usponu, i to u obliku sudjelovanja na platformi za umrežavanje Međunarodnog filmskog sajma u Cannesu (Cannes Marché du Film). Projekt s kojim je hrvatska producentica osvojila spomenutu nagradu je dugometražni igrani film Pogana redatelja Davida Kapca te scenarista Andrije Mardešića i Davida Kapca.

The key growing business platform in the region, Industry @ Tallinn & Baltic Event is a summit and trade fair for audiovisual industry professionals held annually in November during the Black Nights Film Festival – one of the 15 A-list film festivals accredited by International Federation of Film Producers, as well as one of the largest and the only FIAPF-certified competitive feature film festival in Northern Europe.

Industry @ Tallinn & Baltic Event focuses on connecting Baltic and Scandinavian film, entertainment, technology professionals and venture capitalists with professionals around the world. Constantly expanding its global reach, while emphasizing the most acute topics, and with more than 700 guests (among them 550 accredited industry professionals), it has grown into one of the largest media industry events in the region.

This year, Industry @ Tallinn & Baltic Event celebrated its 22nd edition and during five days the participants were able to engage in various meetings, project presentations, masterclasses and workshops, conferences, talent labs, but also had the opportunity to network with other industry professionals. This year's edition of the event focused on the following focus countries - Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia.

Within the Industry @ Tallinn & Baltic Event, CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, together with MEDIA offices from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia and Sweden, participated in the organisation of an event intended for networking of producers from this year’s focus countries (Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia) and those coming from the Baltic and Scandinavian countries. As part of the event, 1-1 consultations were held with the heads of the CED - MEDIA offices.

In addition, Martina Petrović, Head of CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, was directly invited to participate at the Greening & Sustainability Think Tank, which focused on green practices and sustainability in the audiovisual industry. The greening and sustainability strategy has become an essential part of the funding and production cycle for European independent audiovisual and creative industries, whether producers, festivals, or decision-makers, with certification and strategy requirements often placed locally but also at the EU level. While the industry is undoubtedly on its way to greener and more sustainable practices, the road ahead is full of theoretical and practical obstacles. Thus, the Think Tank offered the participants an overview of CresCine's mapping of key greening and sustainability actions across Europe and encouraged the interlocutors to share their own thoughts and experiences, as well as the problems they encountered. The Think Tank is supported by the CresCine project (the European fund - Horizon Europe), which aims to become an authoritative source for insight into the European film industry (Croatia is one of the case study countries) and which seeks to increase the competitiveness and cultural diversity of the European film sector.

We also use this opportunity to highlight the participation of Croatian film professionals within the Industry @ Tallinn & Baltic Event. As part of the European Genre Film Forum, the feature-length animated fantasy film ‘Immortal’ was presented by producer Vanja Vascarac (Narrativium) and screenwriter Kristijan Petrović, while Karla Lulić (author, director, producer) and Jelena Mađarić (producer) (Dobar film) participated in the ScriptPool programme with the project ‘Mirror of Nightingales'.

We are also proud to announce that producer Rea Rajčić (Eclectica) won the Producers Network Prize for young and up–and-coming producers as part of the Baltic Event Co-production Market, in the form of participation within the Cannes Marché du Film. The project is the feature film ‘Pogana’, directed by David Kapac and by screenwriters Andrija Mardešić and David Kapac.

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